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hex tuning

mercedes benz

HEX Flash downloads instructions

Requires: Android device/ OEM Device data cable (data transfer compatible)/  Reliable Internet.

Search Android PlayStore for “My Personal Flasher” (linked below)

step one

VF Engineering Flashing Directions

Plug OBD2 cable with USB adapter into car (must use provided USB adapter) Then plug device data cable into the USB adapter

Once connected to the Android device the App should automatically open.

  1. The device might do a firmware update,
  2. You will be prompted to register the device
  3. Make sure to select vehicle make

Next click on “Flash ECU”

  1. Turn ignition on (click twice)
  2. Click “ID” see prompts on screen as car is identified
  3. Click “Read” app will read out stock ID and then upload it to server

Follow prompts to turn ignition on and off

Once the read is complete and it verified uploaded to server, take a screen shot’

  1. Read will be saved in slot #1 as “original”
  2. Turn off ignition
  3. Go to to submit a software request

submit a software request

Per the instructions upload stock read out or screen shot to